Misc. Notes
Jan 10, 1940, page 8 - The Morning Call at Newspapers.com:
610Miss Izenberg Will Wed M. S. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Izenberg of 702 Fourteenth Avenue, at a recent dinner, announced the engagement of their daughter, Anita, to Milton S. Rosenthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Rosenthal of 455 East Thirty-fourth Street.
Miss Izenberg is a graduate of local grammar schools and Eastside High School. Mr. Rosenthal is a graduate of Eastside High School and New York University. Both are active in social and fraternal work.
Mr. Rosenthal is engaged in the retail business here and is a Junior Chamber of Commerce member and secretary of the Lower Main Street Business Men’s Association. The wedding will take place in the fall.
30 Sep 1940, 10 - The Morning Call at Newspapers.com:
609Miss Izenberg Weds Milton S. RosenthalRabbi Reuben Kaufman Officiates At Home CeremonyMiss Anita E. Izenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Izenberg, of 702 Fourteenth Avenue, and Milton S. Rosenthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Rosenthal, of 455 East Thirty-fourth Street, were united in marriage yesterday afternoon by Rabbi Reuben Kaufman. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s parents, with a reception following.
Miss Audrey Izenberg served as maid of honor, and Leonard H. Rosenthal was the best man.
On their return from a wedding trip to Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal will be home to their friends after Oct. 15 at 324 Broadway.
The bride is a graduate of Eastside High School. The groom graduated from New York University.
Oct 01, 1940, page 35 - The News at Newspapers.com:
611Anita E. Izenberg Becomes Bride of Milton RosenthalMiss Anita E. Izenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Izenberg of 702 Fourteenth Avenue, became the bride of Milton Rosenthal, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Rosenthal of 455 East Thirty-fourth Street, Sunday afternoon at her parents’ home. Rabbi Reuben Kaufman of the Temple Emanuel performed the ceremony.
Miss Audrey Izenberg and Leonard H. Rosenthal attended the couple.
On their return from a trip to Atlantic City, the newlyweds will make their home at 324 Broadway after October 15.
The bride graduated from Eastside High School, and the groom graduated from New York University.