Misc. Notes
Aug 30, 1964, page 16 - Chicago Tribune at Newspapers.com:
910Miss PavloveMr. and Mrs. John J. Pavlove, 9429 Karlov Ave, Skokie, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Diane, to Arnold Balanoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Morris Balanoff of Des Moines, IA. Miss Pavlove is attending the State University of Iowa’s College of Nursing. Balanoff is attending the university’s College of Medicine. The wedding is planned for June 1965.
Jul 17, 1965, page 7 - Des Moines Tribune at Newspapers.com:
911Diane Pavlove, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pavlove of Skokie, Ill., was married July 11 at B’nai Emunah Synagogue in Skokie to Arnold Z. Balanoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris L. Balanoff, 5708 Harwood Drive.
Mrs. Balanoff is a senior in the School of Nursing at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, where her husband is a junior in the College of Medicine. After a trip to San Francisco, they will live at Finkbine Court in Iowa City.
May 18, 1965, page 2 - Iowa City Press-Citizen at Newspapers.com:
912Marriage LicensesArnold Zell Balanoff, 22, of Des Moines, and Diane Sydney Pavlove, 20, of Skokie, III.